100% SIDE Fair Launch

Details of $SIDE 100% Fair Launch

Total Supply: 1 billion $SIDE

Valuation: $300K

Campaign Date: 00:00:00 (UTC) December 27, 2023 - 23:59:59 (UTC) January 20, 2024

Total period: 600 hours

Token Distribution

Community - 20% SIDE

  • 1% Participants in Zealy activities

    • July 17, 2023 - January 20, 2024

  • 2% Lumoz loyal points holders

    • Allocation based on Lumoz points data from the ZKF community airdrop event.

  • 7% $ZKF stakers

    • January 14, 2024 - January 20, 2024

    • A snapshot of ZKF stake points will be taken everyday

    • Airdrop will be distributed everyday based on the percentage of ZKF stake points.

  • 10% Sideswap protocol contributors

Sideswap liquidity providers - 40% SIDE

Liquidity Campaign Start Date: - 00:00:00 (UTC) December 27, 2023

Liquidity Campaign End Date: - 23:59:59 (UTC) January 20, 2024

  • Supported LP token pair

    • ZKF/USDC



    • ETH/USDC

    • ETH/USDT


    • WBTC/ETH

  • Distribute 40% of SIDE over 600 hours, allocating 666,666.6666 SIDE per hour.

  • Conduct hourly random snapshots of the value of all Sideswap LP tokens and the value of all LP tokens held by users, distributing rewards once per hour.

    • Estimated SIDE = your LP tokens value / total LP tokens value * SIDE distributed


What's More?

In addition to receiving a 40% SIDE airdrop, LP providers are also eligible for trade fees.

Sideswap traders - 40% SIDE

Trading Campaign Start Date: 00:00:00 (UTC) January 10, 2024

Trading Campaign End Date: - Once the trade fees hit $120,000

  • Total Airdropped SIDE tokens: 400 million.

  • Total Trade fees: $120,000.

  • Tokens are distributed based on trade fee contributions of all users in this campaign.

Once the trade fees hit $120,000, the promotion will conclude, and any subsequent fees will not be considered.

Last updated